Bible Characters Crossword Puzzle

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Bible Characters Crossword Puzzle

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  • jonah : spent three days in the belly of a fish
  • esther : she courageously used her position as a queen to save her people
  • job : kept his integrity; enduring the loss of his family, health and possessions
  • nehemiah : as governor of judah, he helped rebuild jerusalem's walls.
  • rahab : she hid israelite spies on her rooftop in the city of jericho
  • samuel : as a young boy he served at jehovah's tabernacle
  • solomon : he built jehovah's temple and was known for his wisdom
  • ruth : she was a loyal friend to her mother in law and stuck to her closely
  • daniel : as a young man jehovah used him to interpret dreams for king nebuchadnezzar
  • moses : he led the israelites out of egypt