Sacraments: Baptism Crossword Puzzle

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Sacraments: Baptism Crossword Puzzle

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  • scrutinies : in the rite of election the candidate participates in three _ on the 3rd,4th &5th sundays of lent
  • easter : is the day that christians celebrate jesus' resurrection
  • inquirer : a person interested in being baptized in the catholic church by becoming...
  • desire : baptism of _ is when someone dies without baptism but has lived a good life seeking truth.
  • inquiry : period of evangelization and the catechumenate make up the period of....
  • elect : after acceptance, the catechumen is given a new title: the _
  • water : pouring of _ and invoking the holy trinity are the two essential elements of baptism
  • faith : when asked, "what do you ask of the church?" the catechumen answers _
  • effects : theological terms for gifts of baptism
  • mystagogy : the period of post baptismal catechesis is called _
  • baptism : oil of catechumens is the blessed olive oil used to anoint those preparing for _
  • initiation : what are the sacraments called that induct us into the life of christ
  • enlightenment : the enrollment of names begins the period called purification and ...
  • paschal candle : this is a symbol of the risen christ (2 words)
  • eastervigil : the rite of christian initiation of adults is celebrated at the (2 words)
  • original sin : all humans are born with this-except jesus and mary (2 words)
  • symbolizes : at the easter vigil we read of the israelite's passage through the red sea this...the saving waters of baptism
  • catechumen : an unbaptized person who is preparing for full initiation