James - Walk the Talk Crossword Puzzle

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James - Walk the Talk Crossword Puzzle

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  • demons: the entities that also believe in god...and tremble/shudder (2:19)
  • transgressors: to show partiality convicts us of the law as _ (2:9)
  • tongue: small part of our body that must be controlled (1:26)
  • tempt: god does not do this to anyone (1:13)
  • righteousness: the wrath/anger of man does not achieve this of god (1:20)
  • liberty: we are supposed to continue in/abide in the law of _ (1:25)
  • works: james says a man is justified not only by faith, but by _ (2:24)
  • trials: these produce patience/endurance/steadfastness (1:3)
  • hear: something we are all supposed to be swift or quick to do (1:19)
  • fire: the metaphor for the tongue....it is a _ ! (3:6)
  • cursing: out of the same mouth comes blessing and _ (3:10)
  • father of lights: a name of god--refers to his creation of heavenly lights (1:17)
  • wisdom: if we lack this, we should ask god for it! he will give it to us! (1:5)
  • joy: trials are to be considered or counted as pure/all _ (1:2)
  • james: this person identified himself as a servant of god and lord jesus (1:1)
  • orphans: pure religion includes visiting widows and _ (1:27)
  • blessed: _ is the man who perseveres/endures temptation/trial (1:12)
  • walk the talk: the over-arching theme of the book of james
  • faith: when we ask god for something, we must ask in _ (1:6)
  • doers: we must not only be hearers of the word, but _ (1:22)