Baptism & Disciples Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: philip : the disciple who brought nathanael to jesus, fishermen : occupation of peter, andrew, james and john, oxen : large animals that were being sold at the temple, cana : where jesus turned water into wine, forty : number of days jesus fasted in the wilderness before the temptation, word : "man shall not live by bread alone, but by every _ that proceed from the mouth of god.", andrew : simon peter's brother, and one of the first to follow jesus, lamb : "behold the _ of god, that taken away the sin of the world", bread : satan tempted jesus to turn stones into this, mary : the mother of jesus, begotten : "for god so loved the world, that he gave his only _ son...", nicodemus : pharisee who admitted jesus was sent by god, tables : jesus overthrew the _ of the money changers in the temple, water : "except a man be born of _ and of the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of god", jerusalem : city where the temple was located, jordan : river in which jesus was baptized, well : place where jesus spoke to the samaritan woman, john : the prophet sent to prepare the way of the lord: _ the baptist, dove : the holy spirit descended from heaven in the shape of this, bethlehem : city of jesus's birth, nazareth : jesus grew up in this city