The Sacraments Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: sacraments: the seven concrete ways jesus gave us to share in his life, confession: another name for the sacrament of reconciliation, healing: sacrament of anointing of the sick brings _ for those who are seriously ill, forgives: the sacrament of reconciliation _ sins committed after baptism, confirmation: the sacrament in which we receive the holy spirit, jesus: he gave us the sacraments to help us, grace: the gift of god's life is called _ , repeatable: some sacraments are _ , or received more than once, holy orders: sacrament of service to the church, baptism: the primary sacrament of christian initiation, eucharist: we receive the body and blood of christ in the _ , sin: when we do something we know is wrong that separates us from god, marriage: when a man and a woman become husband and wife, gifts: in confirmation, we receive the _ of the holy spirit.