Belief Systems Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: diaspora : period when babylonians expelled jews from israel, aryans : indo-european group who merged with dravidians, christos : greek word for messiah, caste : social rank in society, confucius : known as kong fuzi, bible : holy book of christianity, reincarnation : no one really dies, christianity : based on teachings of jesus, animism : all things have anima, buddha : "enlightened one", judaism : religion of the jews, hindus : believe in thousands of gods, buddhism : grew out of hinduism, karma : balance of good and evil, dharma : reincarnation is based on the life a person lived, taoism : living simply and in harmony with nature, solomon : jewish kingdom reached its peak under this king, confucianism : based on teachings of confucius, analects : a book of compiled by confucius students, brahmans : priests who ruled central states