Seven Sacraments Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: anointingofthesick : holy oil symbolizes the healing power of this sacrament for those in need of healing, holyordersordination : a cloth stole represents this sacrament because it is worn by a priest when celebrating the mass, confirmation : a dove represents this sacrament because the bible scripture describes the holy spirit descending as a dove, baptism : the symbol of a seashell represents this sacrament because water is poured over the person's head in the name of the father, son and holy spirit, matrimony : a pair of wedding rings is a symbol of this sacrament, representing the faithful and loving commitment between two persons, firstreconciliation : a hand raised in reaching out for god is granted forgiveness and mercy to all those who seek to reconcile and restore broken relationships, firstcommunion : bread and grapes represent this sacrament because jesus gives us his body and blood in the form of bread and wine