Religion Homework Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: canon of scripture: the list of books that the church teaches to be the inspired word of god, gospel: the new testament books written by the evangelists, old testament: the 46 books inspired by the holy spirit, written before the birth of jesus, new testament: the 27 books inspired by the holy spirit, written in apostolic times, fourth gospel: another name for the gospel of john, torah: the law of god revealed to moses; the first five books of the old testament, which are also called the pentateuch, beatitudes: part of the sermon on the mount, disciples: one who learns from and follows a teacher; a follower of jesus, synoptics: the gospels matthew, mark, and luke, symbolic language: images that point to a deeper meaning than the literal meaning of the words, mission: a work done in someone else's name; the work of christians carried out in the name of christ, sermon on the mount: the first main discourse in matthew's gospel, paschal mystery: the passover events of jesus' passion, death, resurrection, and glorious ascension, evangelists: the writers of the four gospels in the new testament