The Son is Greater Than the Servant Crossword Puzzle

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The Son is Greater Than the Servant Crossword Puzzle

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  • apostle : " consider jesus, the _ and high priest of our confession," hebrews 3:1
  • builder : "as much more glory as the _ of a house has more honor than the house itself." vs hebrews 3:3
  • spoken : "to testify to the things that were to be _ later," vs hebrews 3: 5
  • christ : "but _ is faithful over god's house as a son." vs hebrews 3:6
  • counted : "for jesus has been _ worthy of more glory than moses" vs hebrews 3:3
  • servant : "now moses was faithful in all god's house as a _ ," vs hebrews 3:5
  • house : "(for every _ is built by someone, but the builder of all things is god.)" vs hebrews 3:4
  • confidence : " and we are his house, if indeed we hold fast our _ and our boasting in our hope.” vs hebrews 3:6
  • brothers : "therefore, holy _ , you who share in a heavenly calling," vs hebrews 3:1
  • appointed : "who was faithful to him who _ him," vs hebrews 3: 2
  • faithful : "just as moses also was _ in all god's house." vs hebrews 3:2