The Temptation Crossword Puzzle
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- self control : one of the fruits of walking by the spirit, this helps resist temptation. (10 letters)
- watch : a command from jesus: " _ and pray so that you will not fall into temptation." (5 letters)
- scripture : jesus answered temptation with this. (7 letters)
- tempt us : the enemy uses our weakness to do this. (9 letters)
- wilderness : the place where jesus fasted and was tempted by the devil. (10 letters)
- flee : the act of leaving a situation to avoid temptation, as joseph did. (4 letters)
- prayer : a source of strength in times of temptation. (5 letters)
- flesh : the spirit is willing, but the _ is weak. (4 letters)
- faithful : a promise from god that he will provide a way out of temptation. (6 letters)
- accountability : a term for people who hold you accountable in your walk with christ. (11 letters)
- bread : what satan offered jesus to tempt him, representing worldly desires. (5 letters)