Courageous Bible Characters Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: esther : risk her life to save her people petitioning king xerxes, has a book in the old testament named after her, paul : blinded by the light, changed his name by one letter and became the greatest letter writer of the new testament, joshua : led the israelites into the promised land, destroyed the walls of jericho, daniel : overcame the lions' den staying true to his convictions, ruth : one of only two books in the old testament named after women, daughter-in-law of naomi and great grandmother of david, joseph : sold into slavery only to become pharaoh's right hand man, wore a coat of many colours (genesis 37, 41), job : lost everything, family, possessions, his health but continued trusting god, eighteenth book of the old testament, elijah : famous prophet, killed baal's false prophets and fled from queen jezebel (1 kings 18), peter : three time denier who became leader of the early church, moses : witnessed the burning bush, called to lead the jews out of egypt (exodus 3), timothy : a timid young leader of the gentile church yet not afraid to step up to his calling, has two letters named after him in the new testament