Good and Evil Crossword Puzzle
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- natural law: the moral laws of right and wrong which are universal and not dependent on human laws.
- popular piety: a celebration or worship of god which is not part of the official public liturgy of the church
- doctrine: a church teaching
- virtues: morally good characteristics
- golden rule: treating others as you would want to be treated.
- original sin: the belief that all humans have inherited sin from the first human beings.
- sacred heart: a statue of jesus where his heart is clearly visible.
- miracle: an event that cannot be explained by scientific laws.
- salvifivi doloris: pope st john paul ii's letter on the meaning of suffering.
- moral evil: evil caused by the actions of humans
- privation: the loss or absence of a quality or something that is normally present.
- incarnation: god in flesh. the christian belief that god became man in the person of jesus.
- trinity: the belief that god comprises there persons in one.
- conscience: human reason making moral decisions, knowledge of right and wrong.
- suffering: pain or loss which harms human beings.
- free will: the ability to choose right from wrong without being controlled by other forces.
- numinous: a sense of awe and wonder
- goodness: the quality of being like god: seeking the well-being of others selflessly.
- evil: absence of good
- venerate: to show honour and respect