Buddhism Crossword Puzzle

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Buddhism Crossword Puzzle

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  • anicca: everything that exists will change
  • anatta: no one stays the same forever
  • dukkha: everyone will suffer
  • sights: buddha sees four of these when he leaves his palace for the first time
  • theravada: practice of buddhism focusing on meditation and philosophies of dharma
  • tripitaka: sacred texts of buddhism
  • sutta: the pitaka that contains the sermons of buddha and describes how buddhists should live their life
  • magga: the fourth nobel truth that looks at the middle way
  • samudaya: cravings lead to irrationality and suffering
  • bodhisattva: a person moving towards enlightenment but delays it to continue to spread compassion
  • karma: meaning action, it can be wholesome and unwholesome and be effected by present and past choices