The Parables of Jesus Crossword Puzzle

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The Parables of Jesus Crossword Puzzle

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  • parable: a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson
  • samaritans : religious group from samaria that practiced a different religion to the jews in israel
  • levite : a group of jews with special jobs and privileges in judaism
  • judaism: the religion of the jews
  • foolishvirgins: the women who forgot to bring oil for their lamps
  • apostle : a term that refers to any of the 12 disciples chosen by jesus christ
  • baptist : john the _ baptised jesus
  • nazareth : jesus's childhood home town
  • bethlehem : town where jesus was born
  • miracle : jesus raising lazarus from the dead is an example of one of these
  • resurrection: this word describes jesus coming back to life
  • magdalene: mary _ was one of jesus's followers
  • matthew: is one of the authors of the gospels
  • gospels: the teachings or revelations of jesus