Church Hierarchy Crossword Puzzle

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Church Hierarchy Crossword Puzzle

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  • matthias : the name of the apostle who replaced judas
  • adam : he ate the apple
  • bishop : a successor of the apostles who has received the fullness of the priesthood
  • pope : the visible leader of the church and supreme leader of the catholic faith
  • noah : he built the ark
  • monsignor : a title of honor given to certain members of the clergy
  • bible : the writings of sacred scripture
  • magisterium : the teaching office or authority in the church , exercised by pope and bishops
  • revelation : the truths of faith which god has made known
  • diocese : part of the church in a geographical region over which a bishop has authority
  • infallibility : the truth that the church (the pope and the bishops) is free from any error in teaching
  • hierarchy : the order of authority in the church
  • cardinal : the person, usually a bishop, who can elect the pope