Religion and Belief Crossword Puzzles

Free printable religion-belief crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 61-90 of 232 records

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Hinduism and Buddhism crossword puzzle
Hinduism and Buddhism

idea that a person's actions determined the incarnation, the teaching or religion of buddha, a member of the highest hindu caste, series of mountains …

The Transfiguration of Jesus crossword puzzle
The Transfiguration of Jesus

one of jesus' closest disciples who witnesses the transfiguration and later speaks about it, one of jesus' close disciples and a witness to the …

The Ontological Argument crossword puzzle
The Ontological Argument

a grammatical term, it describes the state which the sentence is in, kant said you can only prove existence by finding an example of it in the r.... …

African American Spirituals crossword puzzle
African American Spirituals

a favorite rhythmic adaptation made by singers of spirituals, "follow the drinking gourd" was a song that referred slaves to a _ , signaled …

Bible crossword puzzle

the fifth plagues of egypt, third son of adam and eve, god's sign to noah that he would never destroy the earth with flood again, the left-handed …

Creation in Judaism crossword puzzle
Creation in Judaism

what god did on day 7, what was eve made from?, god created people in the.., the most special part of god's creation, the day god created light and …

What Makes the Seven Sacraments Special? crossword puzzle
What Makes the Seven Sacraments Special?

the first four books of the new testament, about the life and teaching of jesus, containing no faults or error, the sacrament of penance, a rite or …

Noahs Ark crossword puzzle
Noah's Ark

agreement made between god and all life on the earth, described how god found noah to be, because of sin god used this to destroy the earth, …

Bible Books crossword puzzle
Bible Books

dramatic prophet who saw wheels in wheels, history book in the nt, paul wrote a letter to this master of a runaway slave, writer of the first 5 books …

The Early Church crossword puzzle
The Early Church

a booth where catholics ask a priest to grant them god’s forgiveness, the practice of eating bread and drinking wine during church service, prayer …

Religion Keywords crossword puzzle
Religion Keywords

the creator and supreme being in christianity, the son of god, whose teachings are the foundation of christianity, the holy book of christianity, …

Three Wise Men crossword puzzle
Three Wise Men

the gift given to jesus that means king, the wise men fell down and _ jesus, the country the wise men traveled to, god sent a _ to the wise men to …

Judaism Beliefs and Teachings crossword puzzle
Judaism Beliefs and Teachings

the obligation to save a life, even if doing so breaks jewish law, knowing everything; a quality of god, a commentary by the rabbis on the torah - it …

God Confronts Sin crossword puzzle
God Confronts Sin

adam and eve's sin produced the need for a _ , basic reason adam was forced to leave the garden of eden, we cannot _ from god, the savior's death …

the Twelve Disciples crossword puzzle
the Twelve Disciples

the tax collector (publican), the doubter, the rock, the disciple who brought "5 across" to jesus, called nathanael in the book of john, son …

Prayer crossword puzzle

sacred picture, prayer we say with beads, the glory be is a prayer addressed to who?, christian scriptures are found in this book, cross with jesus on …

The Treasures of the Gods crossword puzzle
The Treasures of the Gods

sif's new hair is made of _ , skidbladnir is a ship that can fold into a _ , brokk constructs a huge _ with bristles made of gold, also known as the …

New Testament Knowledge crossword puzzle
New Testament Knowledge

the major idea in 1 corinthians 13, part of the fruit of the spirit, _ of salvation (in the armor of god), goodness, faithfulness, _ ness.., finish …

The Bible crossword puzzle
The Bible

sacred text for the christians, contains 39 books, the first book of the christian sacred text, contains the ten commandment, gives detail about the …

Theology crossword puzzle

is the model for all fully human living, god has testified that you are good, worthy of divine love and _ , learn from these, do not dwell on them, …

Greek Gods and Goddesses crossword puzzle
Greek Gods and Goddesses

messenger god, god of sky and thunder, god of war, god of archery, light, music and prophecy, goddess of the hunt, archery and animals, god of fire. …

Bible Knowlegde crossword puzzle
Bible Knowlegde

genre of the book of job?, how many books in the old testament?, weeping prophet?, how many years between testaments?, who wrote the majority of …

The Baptism of Jesus crossword puzzle
The Baptism of Jesus

he built the temple, "behold, the _ of god, the old man at the temple when the infant jesus was presented, matthew, mark, luke, and john, the old …

The Book of Genesis crossword puzzle
The Book of Genesis

who was the mother of jacob and esau?, how many years of famine did joseph predict from pharaoh’s dreams?, who disguised herself as a prostitute to …

Faith crossword puzzle

policies and actions designed to bring a country up to date in technology and other areas, an area in a city that is crowded, with poor housing and …

Magical Creatures crossword puzzle
Magical Creatures

a horse with a horn on its forehead, known for its magic, tiny, winged beings that grant wishes, a winged horse that can fly, a person with a pointy …

Apostles Creed crossword puzzle
Apostles Creed

the first person of the holy trinity, the term for god creating everything, the divine title given to jesus, the meaning of the name …

Early Church crossword puzzle
Early Church

st. _ was the first pope of the catholic church, the word _ means "good news", the first martyr was a deacon named _ , the early church had …

Gods Revelation crossword puzzle
God's Revelation

the sin we are born with, god's agreement with us, god making himself known to us, our book of sacred scripture, a story in the bible which teaches us …

Moses and the Ten Commandments crossword puzzle
Moses and the Ten Commandments

where god gave moses the commandments, brother of moses, received the 10 commandments, crossed by moses and the israelites, what the people needed to …