Places Jesus Visited Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: jerusalem: a large urban center and religious center for jews, egypt: the place where the holy family fled to escape the massacre of the innocents by king herod, cana: a village in galilee where jesus turned water into wine at a wedding, jericho: a city near the jordan river where jesus healed a blind man, emmaus: a village where jesus appeared to two disciples after his resurrection, bethany: a village near jerusalem where jesus raised lazarus from the dead, bethlehem: the birthplace of jesus, according to the christian gospels, galilee: a region in northern israel known for its fertile soil and fishing industry, nazareth: the place where jesus grew up, calvary: the site of jesus' crucifixion, also known as golgotha, sychar: a town near jacob's well, where jesus spoke to a samaritan woman, capernaum: a town on the shore of the sea of galilee where jesus performed many miracles and taught in the synagogue, samaria: a mixed population region located between galilee and judea, gennesaret: a lake in galilee where jesus performed many miracles and taught.