Adam and Eve Review Crossword Puzzle
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- skins : god used animal _ to clothe adam and eve. (gen. 3:21)
- abel : god accepted this man's sacrifice. (gen. 4:3-5)
- knowledge : god commanded adam to never eat from the tree of the _ of good and evil. (gen. 2:16-17)
- cain : this man murdered his brother. (gen. 4:8)
- punishment : cain's _ for killing his brother was being driven away.
- shepherd : what did abel do for a living?
- jesus : who did god promise would come to crush the serpents head?
- farmer : what did cain do for a living?
- leaves : adam and eve hid and covered themselves with fig _ . (gen 3:7)
- serpent : what animal did the devil use to tempt eve. (gen. 3:1)
- mark : god placed a _ on cain to ensure he would not be killed. (gen. 4:15)
- keeper : cain's response to god, "am i my brother's _ ?" (gen. 4:9)
- cherubim : god placed this kind of angel at the entrance to the garden after driving out adam and eve. (gen. 3:24)
- sword : god also placed a flaming _ to guard the garden entrance. (gen. 3:24)
- pain : the woman was cursed with _ in childbearing. (gen 3:16)