Roman Gods and Goddess Crossword Puzzle
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- apollo: god of the sun and music
- bacchus: god of parties, wine, and theater
- ceres: goddess of grain and harvest
- diana: goddess of the hunt, moon, wild animals, and forests
- elagabalus: god from syria
- isis: goddess from egypt
- janus: god of all beginnings, doorways, transitions, and endings
- juno: queen of the gods, goddess of marriage
- jupiter: king of the gods.
- kybele: goddess from carthage
- mars: the main god of war
- mercury: god of travelers, messengers, and trade
- minerva: goddess of wisdom
- neptune: god of the seas
- quirinus: god who protects the romans
- pluto: god of wealth and the underworld
- roma: goddess of rome
- romulus: founder and god of rome
- saturn: god of time and agriculture
- venus: goddess of love and beauty
- vesta: goddess of the home
- vulcan: god of volcanos and blacksmithing