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Jobs and Education Crossword Puzzles
Free printable jobs-education crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
keeping things in order, both physically and mentally, to improve efficiency, the ability to find solutions to challenges or obstacles, analysing …
turns raw materials into products, is the branch of civil engineering and geological engineering concerned with the engineering behavior of earth …
in drafting, an arrowhead is placed on this in order to identify a component, on a drawing tells the size of the object drawn compared with the actual …
a way of ending a conflict. both sides agree to accept less than they first wanted, a skill that will help you interact calmly with coworkers and …
the study of properties of moving and interacting with air, driving/moving forward, the force that moves an aircraft through the air, action/process …
the information about someone on the internet, facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis, the use or operation of computers, a …
dependable or reliable, grumbling about assigned tasks or changes, pertaining to right or wrong behavior, a rule used as a basic for judgment, showing …
the engineering discipline that involves the construction of buildings, bridges, and roads, the practice of using science and math to solve problems …
sent when a person wishes to leave a job, trust between one person and another, persons willing to speak favorably on your behalf, sources of job …
a long, sturdy piece used to support weight, a force that squeezes a material, a force that stretches a material, a framework, typically used in …
there is a _ between two bars in a bar graph, data points plotted on a simple scale, is a great way to show results of continuous data, bars are …
thick dark yellow or green drainage with a foul odor, injections administered into the adipose tissue layer, refers to actions pf a drug as it moves …
the extent, variety or scope of something, to move or convey something from one place to another, new and original, not seen before, to change or …
a person who works in a hospital, a person who goes to houses with letters, a person who designs houses, a person who helps the doctor, a person who …
study form and function of living organisms, study both living organisms and technology, studies living things on space, the chemistry in rocks, study …
a material having metallic characteristics and made up of two or more elements, one of which is a metal, the process of softening a metal by heating …
the overview of an athlete's training to plan for competitions, used to obtain relevant data to design training activities, guidelines to evaluate a …
a key to motivation is to choose the correct one of these.., the second step to making sure you reach a goal is to make small _ , you must sustain …
using movements that are quick, smooth and flowing, without hesitation or stumbling, achieving precise, reliable movements, the qualities and …
work _ is a form issued by a student's school that gives a student legal permission to work during school hours, a one page description of a job …
a person who deals with payments and cash, a person who prepares and serves coffee, a person who works behind a bar, a waiter, waitress or …
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives, a technique for prioritizing tasks based on importance (a), urgency (b), and …
university of texas, university of oklahoma, ohio state, university of nebraska, university of florida, texas christian university, rice university, …
the number used as the factor in exponential form. the number used for place values in a number, amount of something left over, the percent multiplied …
to examine carefully and come to a conclusion, the relationship between two or more things, what's similar, the difference between two or more things, …
a person in charge of a school, school principals need good problem-solving skills and skills that in the process of reaching decisions, a school …
earnings/income received by a worker on a piece rate, hourly rate, or daily rate, the amount of money a salesperson receives based on the level of his …
the tasks and activities of each stage, actions taken to deal with the anticipated problems, the way learners will work in each stage, who we are …
the ability to understand how someone else is feeling, the way you communicate with someone without saying anything, achieving goals more efficiently, …
habitually showing up late for work, a highly addictive crystalline drug, derived from amphetamines, that affects the central nervous system, a type …