Statistics - Data Handling Crossword Puzzle
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- gap : there is a _ between two bars in a bar graph
- dotplot : data points plotted on a simple scale
- histogram : is a great way to show results of continuous data, bars are adjacent to each other
- tally : count of the number of repetitions of a value
- sample : a specific subset of a population
- range : highest value minus lowest
- boxplot : rectangle graph with whiskers
- mean : average value
- rows : in a table there are columns ans _
- stemandleaf : a _ is a special table where each value is split into "the first digit or digits" and "the last digit or unit"
- ascending : a set of data arranged from the smallest to the largest is in _ order
- median : middle data value
- piechart : another name for a circle graph
- quartiles : divide into four equal parts
- frequency : number of times a value appears
- mode : most frequent value