Income and Careers Crossword Puzzle

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Income and Careers Crossword Puzzle

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  • gross income : total income before any deductions
  • net income : income after all deductions have been taken out
  • deductions : amounts subtracted from gross income for taxes and benefits
  • federal tax : a tax levied by the federal government on income
  • social security : a government program funded by payroll taxes for retirement and disability benefits
  • medicare : a federal health insurance program funded through payroll deductions
  • pay stub : a document showing gross pay, deductions, and net pay
  • annual salary : total yearly earnings based on a set amount
  • hourly wage : amount earned per hour worked
  • benefits : non-wage compensation such as health insurance or retirement plans
  • payroll : the process of calculating and distributing employee paychecks
  • budgeting : planning how to allocate income to expenses and savings
  • withholding : the amount taken out of an employee's paycheck for taxes
  • taxable income : the portion of income subject to taxes
  • career : a long-term professional occupation requiring specialized skills or education
  • job : a short-term or part-time role to earn money
  • promotion : an advancement in rank or responsibility within a career
  • skills : abilities or expertise required to perform specific tasks in a career
  • resume : a document summarizing skills, experience, and education for job applications