Skill Acquisition Crossword Puzzle

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Skill Acquisition Crossword Puzzle

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  • fluent: using movements that are quick, smooth and flowing, without hesitation or stumbling.
  • accurate: achieving precise, reliable movements.
  • ability: the qualities and characteristics a person is born with.
  • skill: a learned and practiced ability that brings about the result that you want to achieve with maximum certainty and efficiency.
  • environment: where you live will affect your choices, this influences skill development.
  • basic: simple skills that require few decisions to be made.
  • complex: skills that require lots of decisions to be made and high concentration.
  • fine: precise movements that require high levels of accuracy.
  • gross: involve large muscle groups for powerful movements.
  • open: affected by the environment, athletes reacting to changing situations.
  • closed: unaffected by the environment, skills are performed the same way each time.
  • input: information that is received.
  • output: the decision is made and then acted upon.
  • feedback: information is received about the output / outcome of the decision.