Fundamentals of Math Crossword Puzzle

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Fundamentals of Math Crossword Puzzle

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  • base : the number used as the factor in exponential form. the number used for place values in a number.
  • balance : amount of something left over.
  • commission : the percent multiplied by the sales to determine an employees earning.
  • numerator : the top number in a fraction.
  • extremes : highest or lowest value of a math function.
  • ratio : a comparison of two quantities by division.
  • exponent : a superscript that indicates how many times a base number is used as a factor.
  • product : the answer to a multiplication problem.
  • proportion : an equation stating that two ratios are special.
  • interest : payment for the use of money.
  • means : the sum of the scores divided by the number of scores in a set of data.
  • denominator : the bottom number in a fraction.
  • reciprocal : two numbers whose product is 1.
  • conjecture : an educated guess.
  • square _ root : one of the numbers two equal factors.
  • canceling : when common factors exist on both sides of an equation.
  • percent : a ratio that compares a number to 100.
  • scale : the ratio of any length in a drawing to the actual length in the figure drawn.
  • fraction : a ratio expressed with on number over another number.
  • principal : an amount of money that is deposited or borrowed.