High School Jobs Crossword Puzzle

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High School Jobs Crossword Puzzle

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  • babysitter: someone who watches someone else's children while they are at work.
  • hostess: greets and seats restaurant customers
  • waiter: someone who serves people food at a restaurant.
  • busser: clears tables and helps maintain restaurant cleanliness
  • cashier: someone who works at a store and checks people out at a cash register
  • lifeguard: someone who keeps people safe while they play in the water.
  • camp counselor: works at a summer camp, supervising kids and leading activities
  • dog walker: someone who takes people's dogs for walks while they are at work.
  • barista: someone who makes and serves coffee.
  • lawn maintenance: helps maintain a lawn, mowing or watering
  • librarian: works at a library, shelving books and helping patrons.
  • referee: officiates at sports games and matches
  • dishwasher: cleans dishes and kitchen equipment