Assessment of Learning Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: communicated : communication of assessment data is clear and transparent for all stakeholders, paths : by providing it authentic assessments leads to demonstration, responsive : visible performance-based work (as a result of assessment) generates data that inform curriculum and instruction, integrated : assessments are to be incorporated into day-to- day practice, multiple methods : an assessment continuum that includes a spectrum of strategies is the norm, technically sound : apply that knowledge in ways that are relevant and appropriate for them, assessment : teachers play various roles and have different goals, authentic : it measures performances or products which have realistic meaning that can be attributed to the success in school in an assessment, informative : range of emerging knowledge and skills, systemic : a comprehensive and well-aligned assessment system that is balanced and inclusive, flexible : assessment need to be adaptable to students’ settings, formative : type of assessment when students collaborate with each other or with the teacher, students : teachers assesses them, context : dimension of authenticity when it is a realistic activity, mastery : the performance expectation, life and career : skills that are to be with flexibility and adaptability, direct : assessments that are authentic are measured to be, traditional : type of assessment that is indirect and inauthentic measures of students learning outcomes, achievement : assessing students will lead to motivation and increase the students _ , learning : a skill along with innovation skills.