Career Development Crossword Puzzle
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- outsourcing : utilizing external resources
- skill : the ability to perform a certain activity well
- ethnic : relating to races or groups of people with common customs
- attitude : a person's outlook on life, usually positive or negative
- orientation : acquaint or become familiar with a new situation
- assessment : a personal evaluation
- goal : an objective that a person wants to obtain and works to achieve
- aptitude : the natural ability or potential for learning new skills
- interest : a thing a person enjoys doing or thinking about
- occupation : the type of job in which a person is emplyed
- learning style : natural method or way one thinks or learns
- job : work that a person does for pay
- lifestyle : typical way of life
- values : personal standards by which one lives
- career : the work done over a period of years in one area of interest
- demographics : characteristics or makeup of a population
- procrastinator : one who puts off doing things or making decisions
- personality : the combination of attitude, values, interests, and behaviors that identify a person
- work : a productive activity resulting in something useful
- identity : the personality or activity by which a person is known