Career Planing Skills Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: internship : a temporary paid of unpaid position that involves direct work experience in a career field, apprenticeship : a program in which a person learns to do a certain job by working with a skilled worker, bachelors degree : a certificate of completion awarded to a person after successfully completing a required set of collage courses in both general and specific areas, associate degree : a certificate of completion awarded to a person after completing a program of study in a particular area, usually lasting two years, ged : a document stating that a person has passed a five-part test in the areas of writing, social studies, science, reading, and math, graduate school : a program of study beyond a bachelor's degree, financial aid : methods of paying for education/training, such as grants, scholarships, etc, credit : unit of measurements that schools use to determine whether students are progressing toward graduation, elective : a course that is not required but can be chosen by students according to their interests