Job Hazard Analysis Crossword Puzzle

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Job Hazard Analysis Crossword Puzzle

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  • accident : an unplanned event which frequently results in injury or damage and is invariably preceded by an unsafe act and/or condition.
  • hazardous chemical : a chemical which is a physical or health hazard.
  • worker : responsible for hazard identification and reporting, participation in pre-job briefings, and adherence to jhas.
  • all personnel : this procedure applies to _ _ who perform work at pvgs.
  • chemistry tailboard : when working with hazardous chemicals, a jha is not required if a _ _ checklist is being utilized.
  • job : a sequence of separate steps or activities that together accomplish a task.
  • injury harm : this procedure applies to any activity where performance presents the potential for personal _ or _ .
  • team approach : jha development should be accomplished using a _ _ .
  • industrial safety : type of hazards the jha process identifies and provides protection for.
  • hazard : the potential for injury or harm.