Technical Terms Used in Research Crossword Puzzle

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Technical Terms Used in Research Crossword Puzzle

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  • validity : accuracy, the extent to which a test or study measures what it is supposed to measure.
  • hypothesis : a statement written by the researcher that states the relationship among or between variables.
  • data : information used as a basis of reasoning, discussion, or calculation.
  • heterogeneous : groups under study are different or varied.
  • instrument : measurement device such as survey test, questionnaire, etc.
  • population : the target group under investigation.
  • concepts : the building blocks of theories.
  • participant : also called respondents, their characteristics and responses are the object of study in research.
  • methodology : systematic approach to the conduct of a process.
  • control group : in experiments, the one that does not get the treatment.
  • sample : a smaller group that represents population of interest.
  • descriptive study : research design that describes "what is"
  • introduction : establishes the scope, context and significance of the research to be conducted.
  • abstract : a brief overview of a research study; summarizes all sections of the report.
  • deliminations : it addresses how the study will be narrowed in scope.
  • homogeneous : groups that are very similar.
  • basic research : research that tests theories.
  • variable : a quality of interest or concepts that can be manipulated, observed or studied.
  • mean : the arithmetic average.
  • theory : an generalization that presents a representation about relationships among phenomena.