Workplace Communications Crossword Puzzle

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Workplace Communications Crossword Puzzle

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  • sender: the person who starts communication
  • receiver: the person who gets the communication
  • message: the idea that is being communicated
  • medium: the means in which a message is sent
  • context: the situation in which the exchange takes place
  • feedback: the receiver's basic response to the interpreted message
  • external: environmental barrier such as lighting, noise, location
  • physiological: barrier related to your physical existence such as illness or hunger
  • emotional: barrier specifically related to your attitude
  • psychological: barrier similar to emotional but related to psyche
  • cognitive: barrier related to daydreaming, drifting off, prejudice, etc.
  • conflict: a powerful barrier to communication
  • paraphrasing: a brief rephrasing of information provided by the sender
  • direct: question that requires a simple "yes" or "no" answer
  • open ended: 2 words, question that allows for an unlimited response
  • emotional intelligence: 2 words, flexible set of skills that can be improved with practice
  • empathy: sensing others' feelings and perspectives
  • self control: 2 words, keeping disruptive emotions in check