Job Skills Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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Job Skills Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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  • integrity: being strong enough to do what you know is right.
  • motivation: enthusiasm and a good attitude toward the learning process.
  • professional: communicating effectively and appropriately.
  • punctuality: the ability to be prompt.
  • problem solving skills: the ability to identify problems, brainstorm, analyze problems.
  • honesty: means you do not deceive others.
  • attendance: frequency and consistency with which you show up to work or school.
  • collaboration: working together with one or more people to complete a project.
  • interpersonal skills: interacting effectively.
  • discipline: it is a way of being honest, hardworking, and motivated.
  • character: always make choices that are honest, respectful, fair, caring and responsible.
  • work ethics: a set of values based on discipline and hard work.