Academic Terminology (nouns) Crossword Puzzle

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Academic Terminology (nouns) Crossword Puzzle

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  • primary research : research that involves collecting new data, from experiments, measurements, observations, interviews, etc.
  • paraphrase : a piece of text which expresses similar ideas to another text of similar length, but uses different language
  • argument : a written or spoken discussion based on reason, logic and evidence
  • summary : a short text which expresses the main argument(s) of a longer text
  • position : a way of viewing sth which is mainly subjective but based on evidence
  • objectivity : based on evidence and facts; not influenced by personal judgements
  • journal article : a written text, typically following a set structure, which is published in an academic journal
  • plagiarism : to use someone else's work in your own writing without acknowledgement
  • evaluation : a writer's subjective, evidence-based response/assessment to an idea
  • seminar : a class in which a small group of students and a teacher discuss a topic
  • validity : the quality of being logical and true
  • thesis : the main point which you argue for and support with evidence
  • bibliography : a list of sources
  • limitation : the points that were not covered in a piece of writing or research project due to restrictions on time, space etc.
  • analysis : detailed examination of information or statistics, especially the results of research in order to understand and classify it