Aeronautical Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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Aeronautical Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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  • wing : primary source of lift with ailerons attached.
  • lift : the upward force that opposes the pull of gravity.
  • mass : the amount of material in an object.
  • gravity : the term used to describe the force of attraction that exists between all matter within the universe.
  • chord : (airfoil) an imaginary line that connects the leading edge with the trailing edge of the airfoil.
  • drag : a slowing force acting on a body (as an airfoil or airplane) moving through the air.
  • weight : force that directly opposes lift.
  • aeronautics : the science and art of flight through the atmosphere.
  • thrust : the force exerted through the propeller shaft of an airplane due to reaction of the air on the revolving blades of the propeller and that moves the craft ahead.
  • aerodynamics : the branch of mechanics dealing with forces exerted by air or other gases in motion.
  • angle of attack : the angle created by the pilot during takeoff, the able between the chord line and the oncoming relative wind.
  • fuselage : the basic structure of the airplane to which all the other parts are attached.
  • lateral axis : an imaginary line that runs from one wingtip through the fuselage and exits the wingtip. also called the pitch axis.
  • relative wind : opposite the flight path and impacts the airfoil at any angle to the chord line.
  • airfoil : parts of an airplane, such as wings, tail surfaces and propellers, designed to cause a dynamic reaction from the air through which it moves.
  • glide slope ratio : the horizontal distance divided by the change in altitude.
  • force : the cause of motion. power and energy exerted against an object in a given direction.
  • aspect ratio : the length of a wing divided by the width.
  • leading edge : the edge that meets relative wind first.
  • cambered : curved upper surface on a wing to increase lift.