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Jobs and Education Crossword Puzzles
Free printable jobs-education crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
a person who designs buildings and oversees their construction, a person who keeps financial records and prepares financial statements, a person who …
how old do you have to be to apply for a temporary clerical officer role, what tax may you avoid by registering your job through your revenue account, …
a complete and closed path around which a circulating electric current can flow, the energy newly derived from electric potential energy or kinetic …
a type of manual, drugless therapy that places greater emphasis on the relationship of the organs and the musculoskeletal system in health and …
_ is the process of planning how a software system will work. it involves deciding how different parts of the software will interact, how data will …
a person who works for another in order to learn a trade, payment for work, usually figured by the hour, a degree awarded by a college or university …
a person that can fix problems you have with your teeth, a person you go to see when you are ill or have some type of health problem, a person that …
a composite used for bullet proof vests, another filing process, when a material can scratch other materials, a pulling force, the metal you have been …
planned or arranged to happen at a specific time, protective wear for those who might be incontinent, often used by babies, trainee working at a job …
a region where grass grows abundantly but large numbers of trees and shrubs do not, an imperial measurement of weight equal to 16 ounces or about 0.45 …
an obligation or debt owed by a company to external parties, including loans, accounts payable, and accrued expenses, an independent examination and …
what kind of environment would they work in?, the basic skill you need to be a gaming engineer, a set of steps leading to a final product, the thing …
an error that causes every reading to be different from the true values by the same amount, an error that is caused by factors that vary between …
communication of assessment data is clear and transparent for all stakeholders, by providing it authentic assessments leads to demonstration, visible …
first degree usually obtained after three years or more of full-time study, a student who has not yet taken a first degree, type of degree where a …
how easy it is for the user to test functionality, conveys information from a speaker to an audience, a period of time following the moment of …
another name for the mean of a data set, typical, interquartile range is one way to measure how spread out a data set is, mean absolute deviation …
one of the three types of grievances, recognition program at ipf, _ is a systematic approach to welcoming new employees in a way that they feel valued …
fellow member of a class, someone who gives lectures, typically at a university, a private teacher or an assistant lecturer, the director of a school, …
research that involves collecting new data, from experiments, measurements, observations, interviews, etc, a piece of text which expresses similar …
someone who teaches students, a person who treats sick people, a person who designs or builds machines/structures, a person who helps doctors care for …
someone who watches someone else's children while they are at work, greets and seats restaurant customers, someone who serves people food at a …
the abilities you have, such as communication or problem-solving, that help you do a job well, a document that lists your work experience, skills, and …
greek mathematician known as the "father of geometry.", famous for his theorem about right triangles, ancient greek mathematician known for …
the study of the interrelationships of geologic materials and processes with water, especially ground water, the process by which precipitation is …
newbie’s deal to earn while they learn (15 letters), fitness to work? it’s a broad skill set! (12 letters), sounds like a wise figure, one might …
helps sick people get better, helps students learn new things, cooks food in a restaurant, grows plants and takes care of animals, flies airplanes, …
to watch closely and carefully, facts, statistics, or other information, to say definitely, in speech or writing, without any extra detail, the reason …
the average you calculate by adding up the data and dividing by how many pieces of data there were, calculate this by subtracting the smallest value …
the variable that you change, the variable that you measure, other variables that may affect the outcome of the study, people may change their …