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Arts & Crafts Crossword Puzzles
Free printable arts-and-crafts crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
aboriginal people also painted the _ for ceremonies, aborigines used these as a drawn language, what aborigines did to themselves during celebrations, …
a word for clay built objects, the coating applied to a ceramic piece that becomes glass-like when fired, a sculpture in which forms project from a …
primary object or objects being photographed in an image, darkest points found in an image, setting to increase the intensity of muted colors found in …
clay is hardened by heating it to a high temperature fusing clay particles, a design principle referring to a repeated element, clay that has no …
a figure or design has rotational symmetry if it can be rotated less than a full turn about a point to a position in which it looks the same as the …
the repeating of an object or symbol, the area of a painting that appears farthest away, a form, sign or emblem that represents something else, …
the greek letter used to represent the golden ratio, often denoted by the symbol φ, another term used to describe the golden ratio due to its …
this banner style has deep historical roots and used today for graduations and other ceremonies, garden banner hardware major material, _ lead banners …
an oil-based slow-drying paint made from pigments suspended in oil, this is mainly used as to mask off or cover areas that should not be painted, a …
the center point of an image that is in focus, the brighter parts of a photo that is one the three types of tones in exposure, the neutral part of a …
associated with the traits of dependability, reliability, connection to nature, and resilience, is optimistic and uplifting, adds spontaneity and …
mandalas are believed to have therapeutic properties, mandalas can be a form of artistic expression, in buddhism, mandalas can represent cosmic order, …
a traditional method of reproducing technical drawings; construction drawings, precise written presentation of the details of a plan, a part of a …
the wood from a conifer (such as pine, fir, or spruce) as distinguished from that of broadleaved trees, the wood from a broad leaved tree (such as …
colors made using primary colors, two or more colors on a brush, used to apply paint, water-soluble fast drying paint, shiny surface, acrylic that is …
a person who blows into a tube to make glass into a specific shape, a closed container with fire in it, a long piece of very thin metal, a place where …
a larger environment that something fits into, a way of seeing from a particular location; a way of thinking about something, in a way that relates to …
between the tenor and the bass, the volume of the sound, a skill for producing significant effects on flat surfaces, a comparison of what is apparent …
the vertical spacing between lines of text, the part of a lowercase letterform that extends above the x-height, the uniform spacing between all …
the materials underneath the paint classified into one of six types, recommended foot protection while performing lead abatement, #1 lead hazard …
connotes formality and readability in large amount of texts, the style, arrangement, or appearance of printed letters on a page, concerns consistency …
rubbing a leather hard piece to create a smooth and shiny surface, a hallow shape that a clay slab is pushed into in order to copy that form, a …
third step of attaching pieces, stage two of clay, removing air bubbles from clay, stage three of clay, a1o 2sio 2ho, a wheel that spins, where does …
some paintings represented _ values, a roll of paper or papyrus, many paintings depicted _ , paintings were done in _ colors, a wall painting, the …
a waste piece of lumber, power tool used to carve thin slices from a board to straighten or square a surface or edge, the shaft of a bit or cutter …
when one object covers a part of a second object, the first seems to be closer, the placement of forms, shapes, colors, and light and dark areas in a …
this was a pose seen in classical greek statues that shows the weight shift of the body, this was a period in ancient greek art marked by the use of …
a quick way to modify your photos with interesting additions, zoom in, to make changes to the photos, usually manually, spreads around the internet …
visible features of a land area, an art form that tells a story through music and singing in theater, long fictional narrative story, art and practice …
this refers to the size and shape of furnishings in relation to the overall shape and size of a room, this can be geometric, like squares; or organic, …