Art Theories Crossword Puzzle

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  • unity : a whole or total as combining all of its parts into one.
  • medium : the material used to create your artwork.
  • negative space : the empty space around and between forms or shapes in an artwork.
  • mobiles : moving sculpture in which shapes are balanced and arranged on wire arms and suspended from the ceiling to move freely in the air currents.
  • crosshatching : the technique of using crossed line for shading.
  • stippling : a technique of shading using dots.
  • contour : drawings use line to show the edge of an object
  • color harmonies : combination of colors that are considered satisfying or that produce certain effect
  • doodle : a simple figure eight repeated to create a shading technique.
  • surrealism : a style of art and literature developed principally into the 20th century, stressing the subconscious or non-rationally significance of imagery.
  • modified contour : modified contour
  • positive space : the space that a form or shape occupies in an artwork.
  • balance : principle of design concerned with equalizing visual forces, or elements, in a work of art.
  • pure contour : drawing is created when you do not look at your paper while you are drawing. your pencil or pen never lifts off the page and you examine the object which you are
  • grids : lines that intersect vertically and horizontally.
  • circles : measures 360 degrees.
  • mandala : graphic and often symbolic pattern usually in the form of a circle that radiate out from the center.
  • primary colors : blue red yellow