Art Elements & Principles Crossword Puzzle
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- unity: the quality of looking whole and complete, with all parts looking right together.
- rhythm: the repetition of elements, such as lines, shapes or colors that creates a feeling of visual motion, action or to suggest vibration.
- regular: a pattern that keeps repeating the same thing over and over in the same order.
- irregular: a pattern that repeats something, but not necessarily in the same order.
- pattern: repeated colors, lines, shapes, forms or textures in an artwork.
- movement: used to create the look and/or feeling of action or the sense of motion or action created as the artist's guides a viewers eye throughout the artwork.
- emphasis: concerned with making an element or object in a work stand out; importance given to certain objects or areas in an artwork.
- contrast: using an element of art to show difference that creates visual interest, exciteement and drama to an artwork.
- symmetrical: _ balance - the distribution of elements of art in an artwork, same on both sides.
- asymmetrical: _ balance - the distribution of elements of art in an artwork, different on each sides..
- radial balance: balance that starts in the center and works outward.
- color: an element of art used in ceramics through different glaze, clay and stains
- line: a thin mark on a surface, can use the additive, subtractive method, paint/draw with glaze or undergalze
- texture: the way something feels to the touch, the two types are implied and tactile.
- value: the lightness and darkness of a color, we can add this element by using stains/glazes/underglaze or carving into the clay to allow glaze to pool in certain areas.
- space: areas that are empty or full, far away or nearby, huge or small; positive vs. negative
- shape: a flat, 2-d area with height and width; organic and geometric.
- form: a 3-d object, such as a cube or ball.