Clay Definitions Crossword Puzzle

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Clay Definitions Crossword Puzzle

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  • assembling : an artistic form or medium usually created on a defined substrate that consists of three-dimensional elements projecting out of or from the substrate
  • glaze : a thin transparent or semi-transparent layer on a painting which modifies the appearance of the underlying paint layer
  • shape : enclosed space
  • line : a point moving in space
  • texture: visual and tactile surface characteristics that are added to a work of art
  • bone dry : a stage in the process of working with clay. at this stage, the clay is very dry and brittle
  • unity: principle of art and design that refers to how all the components of a painting or another work of art come together to create a sense of wholeness and harmony
  • casting: a method used by sculptors
  • pattern: repetition and ordered arrangement of a design
  • bisque ware: type of ceramic ware that has been fired but not yet glazed
  • kiln: furnace or oven built of heat-resistant materials for firing pottery, glass and sculpture