Graphic Design Terminology Crossword Puzzle

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  • lines : connects two points; used to make shapes
  • contrast : the amount of difference between two elements
  • movement : the path the viewer’s eye takes through a composition
  • tint : color + white
  • hierarchy : the visual arrangement of design elements to signify importance.
  • hue : another word for color
  • gradient : a gradual change in color from one tone into another.
  • tone : color + gray
  • scale : the change of size of an object while keeping its shape and proportions
  • typography : the arrangement of type to be readable and visually appealing
  • thumbnail : rough drawings of potential design concepts
  • logo : a symbol or design that identifies a brand.
  • shade : color + black
  • variety : using different shapes, colors and textures to keep overall image interesting
  • unity : separate elements working together in harmony
  • repetition : the use of similar or identical elements throughout a design
  • monochrome : a color scheme built from one color, including tints, tones, and shades
  • warm : red, orange, yellow
  • shapes : made from lines
  • cool : green, blue, purple
  • palette : the selection of colors that you choose to use for your design
  • emphasis : used to draw the eye of the reader to specific elements.
  • opacity : transparency on a scale of 0% - 100%
  • texture : looks like it can be touched, but is actually flat (visual tactility)