Elements of Art - British Crossword Puzzle

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Elements of Art - British Crossword Puzzle

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  • implied : the type of texture that make a 2d surface appear 3d
  • tint : a colour plus white
  • real : type of texture that can be felt with fingers
  • form : three dimensional figure
  • secondary colours : purple, orange, and green
  • complements : colours opposite on the color wheel
  • space : element used to create depth
  • shape : two dimensional, enclosed area
  • colour : hue
  • line : the path that a moving point makes on a surface
  • texture : the feel of a surface
  • primary colours : red, yellow, and blue
  • geometric : a form or shape that can be determined mathematically
  • value : lightness or darkness of a colour
  • organic : a form or shape with irregular edges, found in nature
  • shade : a colour plus black