Fibers and Fabrics Crossword Puzzle

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Fibers and Fabrics Crossword Puzzle

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  • fibers : hair-like threads from natural materials that can be twisted together to form yarn
  • yarn : a continuous strand of fibers
  • fabric : cloth made by knitting or weaving yarns or by pressing fibers together
  • pilling : small, fuzzy balls that form on the outside of fabric
  • blend : a combination of 2 or more different fibers, filaments, or yarns
  • finish : a treatment given to fibers, yarns, or fabric to improve the look, feel, or performance of a fabric
  • filaments : man made chemicals used to make fibers
  • cotton : comes from fibers of the cotton plant
  • flax : fiber that makes linen fabric
  • ramie : comes from the stem of ramie plants, also called china grass
  • wool : comes from sheep fleece
  • silk : comes from the cocoons of silk worms
  • rayon : manufactured fiber that can look like cotton
  • nylon : manufactured fiber that can hold its shape well, and is also uncomfortable in hot weather
  • acrylic : manufactured fiber that is softer than wool, but not as scratchy
  • polyester : manufactured fiber that's strong and holds its shape, also resists wrinkles
  • spandex : manufactured fiber that stretches like rubber, but more resistant than rubber to sunlight and oils