Ceramics Final Review Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: intrusive: type of igneous rock the has cooled slowly and has large crystals, slip: the liquid stage of clay, wedging: the process of removing air bubbles and conditioning the clay, primary: pure white clay that is found close to feldspar containing rocks, metalscraper: tool used to remove dents, secondary: type of clay that can be red, gray, yellow or blue from impurities, weathering: the process that breaks down rocks into smaller particles, glaze: a glassy coating that seals the pores of pottery, bisque: the first firing, bonedry: the stage of clay that is ready to be bisque-fired, spout: the hollow coil or attachment on a teapot that allows water to flow out, kiln: oven used to fire clay, igneous: rocks formed from the cooling and solidification of magma, paddle: tool used to remove bumps, glazeware: fully finished, fired and glazed pottery, feldspar: the parent rock of clay, foot: the attachment at the bottom of a pot that can be decorative or functional but support the piece.