Principles of Design Crossword Puzzle

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  • balance : principle of design that creates visual weight in an artwork.
  • symmetrical balance : balance created by halves of a design and are mirror images of each other.
  • asymmetrical balance : balance created by halves that do not look alike, but are balanced like a see-saw.
  • radial balance : balance that is created by radiating from a central point.
  • emphasis : principle of design that calls attention to a part of the artwork.
  • emphasis : the size of the subject and where it is placed are two key factors for this.
  • pattern : principle of design that uses repeating lines, shapes or colors in a design.
  • pattern : artist use _ to organize the design.
  • pattern : they can be planned or random.
  • movement : principle of design that is used to move your eyes along a piece of artwork.
  • proportion : showing size relationships between objects.
  • unity : principle of design refers to the feeling that all parts of a design belong together and work as a team.
  • variety : principle of design that artist create by combining elements that contrast.