Wood Working Crossword Puzzle

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Wood Working Crossword Puzzle

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  • biscuit : a small wafer of wood that is inserted and glued to an edge groove between two pieces of wood to be joined
  • finger joint : primarily used in commercial applications, the interlocking joints reinforce and align panel joints.
  • heartwood : mature wood that forms the spine of a tree
  • turning : refers to work done on a lathe
  • kerf : the wood removed by a saw blade between the piece you keep and your offcut.
  • shim : a thick wedge of wood used to fill a gap or make a surface level
  • spline : a narrow strip of wood that is glued in corresponding grooves to join pieces of wood
  • carbide : a combination or iron, carbon and alloy metal (usually tungsten) used to make hard, brittle but long-lasting material used for cutting edges of bits and blades
  • dowel : a cylindrical length of wood used for making joints by inserting a length into two corresponding holes and gluing with clamp pressure
  • bevel edge chisel : used for paring and light chopping; edges are beveled to allow access to inside corners of joints
  • auger : a wood-boring device or bit
  • hardwood : the wood from any number of flowering, fruit- or nut-bearing trees
  • pilot hole : a small hole drilled in your work that is intended to guide a fastener.
  • radial arm saw : a power tool that consists of a motor and blade that are suspended above the table from an arm that pivots at the rear and upon which the motor slides
  • softwood : the wood of any coniferous tree
  • counter sink : to cut a cone-shaped recess in a pilot or clearance hole that allows a flat-head screw to seat flush or below the surface; also, the hole itself.