Pop-Art Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: pop art: 1960s a satirical look at the excesses of american culture, realism: showing objects as the eye sees them, composition: an arrangement of objects, repetition: parts used over and over again, in a regular planned way, contour: lines that surround and defines the edges of an object, still life: an arrangement of objects that are not alive, and do not move, symmetrical: a type of balance in which both sides of a center line are the same or nearly the same, asymmetrical: a type of balance that is not the same on both sides of a center line, but it visually looks balanced, radial: a type of balance where lines or shapes, are spread out from a center point, halation: a complimentary color that outlines an object, texture: the surface feeling of an object, can be real or imagined, shadow: a dark area cast from an object that is hit with light, warm colors: red, orange, yellow, cool colors: blues, green, violet.