Art Terminology Crossword Puzzle

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Art Terminology Crossword Puzzle

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  • canvas: a strong cloth used for painting
  • collage: artwork made by pasting pieces of paper to a flat surface
  • color wheel: an arrangement primary colors to create new colors
  • contrast: the placement of 2 opposites side by side
  • easel: frame used to support a canvas
  • focal point: area in composition where the emphasis is greatest
  • hue: refers to a common name found on the color wheel
  • two dimensional: things that look flat
  • allegory: hidden symbolic meaning
  • artifact: hand-made object that represents a culture or period
  • blending: change of color from one tone to another
  • caricature: character studies that exaggerate one or more features
  • cubism: natural forms changed by geometrical reduction
  • depth: the illusion of space in a picture plane
  • design: the order of line, form, color, value, texture, and space in an arrangement
  • free form: the order of line, form, color, value, texture, and space in an arrangement
  • three dimensional: things that look, or are, solid
  • illustration: work of art created to go with a story or other kinds of work in print