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Arts & Crafts Crossword Puzzles
Free printable arts-and-crafts crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
hair-like threads from natural materials that can be twisted together to form yarn, a continuous strand of fibers, cloth made by knitting or weaving …
connects two points; used to make shapes, the amount of difference between two elements, the path the viewer’s eye takes through a composition, …
the area of the photo that is sharp, the hole in the lens of the camera which allows light to enter, the amount of the picture that is sharp, how long …
the first manufactured fibre to be invented, the manufactured fibre than emulates wool, the preferred food of the silk worm, the high shine on fabrics …
sewing one piece of fabric on top of another piece of fabric to create a picture or design, a fold created in fabric; commonly used in kilt making, …
designer known for the little black dress, italian designer famous for bold prints, creator of the "new look", italian brand with the gg …
sculptor of "david", sculptor of "david" in bronze, baroque sculptor of "ecstasy of saint teresa", known for elongated …
she is located on _ island, the statue is made out of this, the statue was closed for one _ days after 9/11, there are 354 _ to the crown, she was …
1960s a satirical look at the excesses of american culture, showing objects as the eye sees them, an arrangement of objects, parts used over and over …
arrangement of elements in a work of art, illusion of depth and distance in art, hue, tint, or shade used in painting, stark difference between light …
real or implied, draws readers toward the image, the center of a spread where the pages meet, a title or brief explanation of a picture, an angle from …
delicate, thin lines, a drawing that illustrates the parts of a structure or form, narrow, rough lines used to develop a figure or a form in a …
isaac singer invented the modern ... machine, long, thin pieces of metal, wood or plastic used in pairs to make clothes or accessories out of wool or …
a strong cloth used for painting, artwork made by pasting pieces of paper to a flat surface, an arrangement primary colors to create new colors, the …
an artists that creates three-dimensional art works, an artist the uses clay and a kiln to create works of art, a person that studies ancient and …
the arrangement and organization of elements within a collage artwork, technique of placing materials on top of each other to create depth and …
a dominant style of painting around the 6th century bce (archaic period). had multiple bands in the geometric style that gave away to a single …
a movement known for light and color, art style using geometric shapes, movement featuring dream-like scenes, style with bold, vibrant colors, art …
the type of texture that make a 2d surface appear 3d, a colour plus white, type of texture that can be felt with fingers, three dimensional figure, …
art movement literally means the style of "the wild beasts", painter married to diego rivera, leading exponent of action painting, dutch …
some fonts, such as times new roman, have small markers (also called feet) on letters. these types of fonts are called _ fonts, fonts such as times …
when one or more elements of design are used repeatedly to create a feeling of movement. creates a mood like music or dancing, the surface quality …
a diagram used in the visual arts to represent the colors of the visible spectrum and their relationships to one another, mixing 2 primary colors will …
a style of architecture that involved large stained-glass windows, pointed arches, rib vaults, flying buttresses, and ornate decoration, a type of …
a bit like glue made of clay and water, connect different parts of your creation, shape your clay into anything you want, make little cuts or …
type of igneous rock the has cooled slowly and has large crystals, the liquid stage of clay, the process of removing air bubbles and conditioning the …
taking clay away, piece of clay that has been rolled out to a desired thickness, can be molded when wet and fired to make pottery, to create textures …
a ceramic ware that has been fired once, clay that has lost all the moisture and is no longer cool to the touch; while solid, it is very fragile!, a …
a person who evaluates and interprets works of art, a person who supports artists, especially financially, art created by assembling and arranging …
thick solid lines used to represent the outline of the object, use to indicate hidden features of the object, used to show the centers of holes of …