The Color Wheel Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: black : to make a color a shade darker, you would add the color _ to it, beige : the four neutral colors are black, white, brown and _ , intermediate : these are made by mixing a secondary color and a primary color together, white : to make a tint in a color, you would add the color _ to it, blue : to make purple, you would add red and _ , red : to make the color orange, you would add yellow and _ , intensity : this is the brightness or dullness of a color, purple : the complimentary color of yellow is, primary : cannot be made by mixing any other colors together, complimentary : these are across from each other on the color wheel, analogous : family of colors that look alike, yellow : three primary colors are: blue, red and _ , green : the complimentary color of red is _ , secondary : these are made by mixing two primary colors together, orange : three secondary colors are purple, green and _ , cool : these are any shade of purple, blue, or green, monochromatic : this means one color, warm : these are any shade of yellow, red or orange, orange : the complimentary color of blue is _