Ceramic Reflection Crossword Puzzle

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  • score : marking the clay in cross-hatching to attach two pieces of clay together.
  • knead : method used to work out the bubbles before using the clay.
  • slab : clay method when you need to use a rolling pin.
  • coil: clay method when you roll out long snakes to create a piece
  • kiln: oven that cooks the clay
  • pinch pot: clay method when you only use your hands to create a piece
  • slip: clay slurry used to help glue the clay together
  • leather hard: the strongest stage in clay
  • bone dry: the most fragile stage in clay
  • feddle: name of the knife used in clay
  • feather : needle tool to help create the cross-hatching.
  • rumber rib : two flexible tools to help smooth out the clay name one
  • metal rib : two flexible tools to help smooth out the clay name one
  • wood rib : non-flexible tool to help smooth out clay when using the wheel or hand-building
  • trimming tool : the tool to help create designs or remove excess clay
  • water : what you should not use a lot of when working with clay
  • glaze : the paint like substance to cover the clay after it has been fired
  • under glaze : the paint that is used to create detailed images.
  • foot : the bottom of a piece is called a _
  • body : the middle of a piece is called the _
  • rim : the top a piece is called a _
  • bevel : what you do to make the piece lifted and off the table surface
  • wire: the tool you use to remove clay from a hulk of clay